Creating Adaptive Learning Using Guroo Pro

Guroo Pro offers several options designed to create adaptive and personalised experiences for your learners.


Adaptive learning is all about offering a personalised experience for each learner. It allows organisations to create custom and personal learning that takes into account each individual, regardless of prior knowledge and skills. Through the use of feedback, branching, scores and logical rules, adaptive learning helps organisations consider each person behind the screen without limiting scalability.


These are the top five ways to deliver adaptive learning on Guroo.Pro:

  1. Delivering real-time feedback

  2. Multi-path Options

  3. Learning Plans using KPIs

  4. Self-Assessment

1. Focus on Best Practice Using Real Time Feedback

Best practice focuses on the gap between the learner’s current ability and required ability. If a learner answers a scenario correctly, they progress but if they answer incorrectly, they are offered additional resources and feedback to deepen their understanding.

To add feedback to the question in your learning module, you will need to:

  1. Open Question

  2. Activate Learner Feedback

  3. Write feedback to incorrect and correct responses

You can be as detailed as you like with your feedback. Guroo.Pro allows you to attach items to your feedback like documents, links, and videos and allows the learner to earn achievements.

2. Multi-path

Multi-path adaptive learning is the classic ‘branching scenario’ or choose your own adventure model. Based on the learner’s choice in a scenario, they will be taken to a specific outcome, then be presented with the next decision, and so on. This allows learners to see the consequences of their choices in real-time.

Guroo.Pro uses content progression rules to support multi-path learning, specifically the 'Go To' progression rule which allows learners to skip content or screens. You can read more about 'Go To's' here.

3. Learning Plans Using KPIs

Ask questions that are aligned to the learning objectives for the learning so that you can determine a learner's capability. Once their level of knowledge has been established, adaptive personalisation focuses the learning on the gap between the learner’s current ability and the desired ability. This allows learners to focus on the topics they need further learning on while skipping the ones they don’t. Read more about how to set up scores and use them to create learning plans.

KPI options are available to our Guroo Pro paid users.


4. The Self-Assessment or Self-Diagnostic

The Self-Assessment of Self-Diagnostic creates personalisation based on what the learner identifies as their own needs. To establish this, simple questions can be asked, or a more detailed self-assessment can be offered. Personalisation is then based on context such as their role or the desired learning outcome.

Read more about how to set up self-assessments and use them in learning plans.

Note: Self-Diagnostic options are available to our Guroo Pro paid users.